Unicorn and Coffee

The Hounds of the Russian Empire are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a unicorn. A team of geneticists managed to bring out a wonderful animal during a daring scientific experiment.

Английское издание книги «Единорог и кофе».

О Книге

Agents of the Seventh Department of Her Majesty's Personal Chancellery investigate crimes against animals. The Hounds work cheerfully and casually, and they live in a wonderful alternative Russia. Here, levitation trains fly over St. Isaac's Cathedral, a 3D printer prints women's hats, a bus regularly runs from Gatchina Airport to the Moon, and the Empress's father is assembling a crew for a flight to Mars. Instead of magic, this world is dominated by powerful technologies, seasoned with charming 19th-century traditions. And the rights of the smallest pets are as important as human rights. Works in the "cosy detective" genre are best read in the evening by the fireplace, especially if there is a cup of hot cocoa at hand and a warm cat on your lap.

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фантастический детектив

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